Thursday, November 13, 2008

Talking About Race...Continuing the Dialogue

We are elated that President Obama will take office on January 20, 2009. But we’re concerned that electing an African American to the presidency has fooled some people into thinking that all racial barriers have fallen – that racism in America has ended.

It's just not that easy. Yes, this is a momentous time in American history and the election marks an historic turning point in race relations in this country, but that does not mean we should stop talking about race. We must press ahead toward achieving total equality in this country.

If we need any argument that discussions must continue, we only have to look as far as Warren County, NJ. Last Thursday, someone in that county burned a cross on the lawn of Obama supporters. And while we’re proud that one of own members joined with the local NAACP and a local college to have an open discussion with students about this shocking crime, we need to ensure that everyone is prepared to discuss race and diversity openly and honestly.

We need these conversations more than ever. They might be tough conversations to have, but very necessary, as we begin the Obama years in Washington, DC.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just saw a pretty good piece with Cory Booker on The Stephen Colbert Show last night, discussing whether racism is over or not. Check it out online tomorrow!