Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Well, now we know who Mitt Romney has selected to be his Vice Presidential running mate: Congressman Paul Ryan. We know Congressman Ryan from his draconian budget proposals that include his plans for cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, education, veterans’ programs, and a host of other safety net programs.

What we may not know is what the New York Times reported on Congressman Ryan’s close ties to “the Tea Party and to its $400 million political machine, financed by a network of conservative and libertarian donors…” The Times report says that “Mr. Ryan is one of a very few elected officials who have attended the Kochs’ biannual conferences, where wealthy donors sit in on seminars on runaway government spending and the myths of climate change.”

As social workers we have reason to be very concerned with Congressman Ryan’s vision for America. His 2010 "Roadmap for America's Future" and the more recent "Path to Prosperity" in 2012 point to a future that would diminish the role of the U.S. government and slash all federal entitlement programs.

As social workers we are dedicated to helping individuals, families, and children in need, so we need to be very concerned that Paul Ryan wants to throw out 75 years of social services in this country. Should he and Mitt Romney win the White House, they would be poised to fundamentally alter programs that have helped people who need those programs the most.

In the coming months I will be writing more about the Republican ticket’s vision for America. I invite you, through the NASW-NJ Blog, to join with me in an ongoing, respectful discussion of the issues of this campaign.

Walter Kalman


Anonymous said...

Walter. In your news wire, are you saying republicans don't care about their constituents?

I think it will be helpful if the blog is not one sided. I cannot say that I am on top of all the political agendas as they constantly change.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. thank u
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